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Students Achieving Success

Team Scott Inspire presents the “Students Achieving Success” program. During the school calendar year, students facing adversity in grades 9th - 12 th are invited to an outreach “lunch and learn” session.  Each session provides a different motivational topic as well as a format to help them develop life skills and experience educational and vocational opportunities in the community.  Our goal is to connect with the students to provide positive community support encouraging them to graduate high school despite their current situation.

S.A.S. ON SEPTEMBER 22, 2023

A registration form must be completed for each person attending.
How do you idetify?
Is this your first time attending?
A registration form must be completed for each person attending.
Are you attending as a:
How do you idetify?
I am registering for S.A.S. Session
Is this your first time attending?
I give my consent to use my photo for promotional purposes for Team Scott Inspire and S.A.S.

Thanks for registering. See you there!

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